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Covid-19 Catch up premium

For the academic year 20-21, the government is providing ‘Catch up’ funding to support children and young people with their emotional wellbeing and to catch up on learning lost due to school closure.

Schools are required to publish details of:

  • how it is intended that the grant will be spent
  • how the effect of this expenditure on the educational attainment of those pupils at the school will be assessed

 At Lordship Farm we have decided to spend the funding as follows:

  •  Additional part-time teaching to support learning in our KS1 classes
  • Additional teaching assistant hours to support learning in our KS2 classes
  • Additional Nurture worker hours to support emotional wellbeing across the school.

 The impact of this additional support will be evaluated using teacher assessments of attainment and progress (using baseline and post intervention assessments), standardised testing (phonics screening and KS1 SATs), parent questionnaires and Strengths and Difficulties questionnaires in order to assess the impact on children’s emotional wellbeing.

 The impact of our spending will be monitored by the School Improvement Committee of our Governing Body.