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About Our School

Lordship Farm opened as a County, co-educational day primary school in April 1973. The buildings were designed to house four open plan classrooms. Over the years the school has expanded with classrooms being added in 2000 and 2002.  In September 1997 Lordship Farm Voluntary Aided Nursery School became a part of the school. In 2013, we opened a new Foundation Stage classroom.

There is a large hall, equipped for PE which is used for assemblies, drama and music. There is a separate dining area,  a computer suite , library and music  rooms. Outside there is an extensive playing field, two playgrounds and an ‘outdoor’ classroom. At the south eastern boundary there is a large area set aside as a wild conservation area and bird hide.

The school is well resourced and all classes have access to IPads, Chromebooks, laptops and Interactive whiteboards.  

As a nursery, infant and junior school, Lordship Farm caters for up to eight years of schooling.  All parents are offered a September start to Nursery, with just one intake every year.

Lordship Farm has an admission number of 30 for Nursery and 60 within every other year group - this is known as the school's pan.

We are a two-form entry school and whilst pupils are allocated a main class within their year group, they will be mixed regularly within their cohort of 60 and taught by both teachers within their year group. Teaching may be by year group, class, within a smaller group or at times one a one to one basis.

Over the past two years Lordship Farm has achieved the Green Flag, a coveted award for schools who can demonstrate a true commitment to Eco-awareness and we are in the final stages of our audit to gain the Wellbeing Quality Mark, recognition of the pastoral offering that we have for both pupils, staff and parents alike. 

Visits to the school are warmly welcomed by appointment for in-year applications and we hold an annual open evening for parents looking for places for nursery or reception. 

At Lordship Farm we also have a school dog called Indie. Indie is the school's second dog and was born in November 2023. 

Please click on the link below to access our school prospectus:

Lordship Farm Prospectus

Parent Survey December 2023